The IISR library (NICS) provides support to research and development work of the Institute by acquiring global scientific literature, organizing them for ease of use and better access. It also caters to the needs of the scholarly community of other institutes, universities and organizations. The period under report witnessed the transition of the library from a conventional to an electronic one by embarking upon library automation, subscription of e-journals, offline and online databases, Internet connectivity etc. The library was shifted to a new building with excellent digital accessibility and storage facility.

The library has been automated with LIBSYS software. All the books were bar coded for easy retrieval. LAN and Internet connectivity with independent nodes, server and a juke box for CD storage were added. A web portal of the library called ‘SpicE- Library’ was launched on 30 May 2006 by Prof. S. Kannaiyan, Chairman, NBAI, Chennai. Besides, an institutional repository named ‘D-Spice’ has been developed using the Open Software D- Space.
To function as a National Information Storage and Retrieval System for spices and related crops.
- At present, the library has a collection of 4311 books, 3451 bound volumes, 2305 reprints, 906 technical reports 127 theses and 153 project reports.
- Currently the library is subscribing to 36 foreign journals including 14 online journals and 84 Indian Journals. Two CAB CD databases, AGRIS and Biotechnology CDs were also subscribed for a short spell. It has access to online databases such as CeRA, CAB Abstracts and Academic Online.
- The subscription to foreign journals was streamlined and regulated as per the advice of inter- institute Resource Sharing Committee. In addition, it also subscribes to the e- journal portal J Gate (Agricultural and Biological Sciences).
- The software programs available are LIBSYS and Reference Manager.
- Spice Bibliography covering the articles on all spices crops including seed spices was prepared and published regularly in Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops. An electronic version is also available in the IISR website.
- Four issues of the Agri. Tit- Bits, a compilation of miscellaneous items published in newspapers and other publications, were published every year and copies were distributed within the Institute and also to other organizations.
- During the reporting period about 2148 researchers and students of the Institute and 643 external users utilized the library facilities. Necessary assistance and guidance was rendered to them in retrieving and collecting information available in various Library resources.
- Theses, technical reports etc. related to spice crops, collected from different sources, were photocopied and preserved in the Library as a part of the reprographic service.
- Participants of various training programmes, conducted at IISR, were trained in library usage and information retrieval through lectures and hands on sessions.
Pulications brought out from the Library
- Spices Bibliography
- Agri Tit Bits
Spices Bibliography is published regularly in the Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops and includes all most all articles on spices that appeared during the current year.
This is a collection of miscellaneous news and pertaining to or interesting to scientists that appear in newspaper and popular magazines .
National Informatics Centre on Spices
The infrastructure facilities of the library has been expanding continuously, the latest being the establishment of National Informatics Centre on Spices. This was inaugurated by Dr. SL Mehta, DDG (Edn.), ICAR, New Delhi on 28th November 1998 to serve as a documentation centre for disseminating information on various aspects of spices.
Note :-
To avail the facilities, visitors are requested to produce official letter from the competent authorities.
Scientist-in-charge (Library)
Indian Institute of Spices Research
Marikunnu P.O., Kozhikode, Kerala, India - 673012
Ph: 0091-495-731410, 731752