Experimental Farm, Peruvannamuzhi
The research farm is located 51 km north east of Kozhikode in an area of 94.08ha at Peruvannamuzhi. The IISR Experimental Farm at Peruvannamuzhi was established of leased out land from the Govt. of Kerala during 1976. Various crops are grown here consisting of both experiments and bulk plantings. A total of 38.0 ha area is covered with permanent crops and 15 ha are under forest for future needs.The remaining area is being developed for various plantings, roads, buildings etc. in a phased manner. The farm consists of 250 acres of forest land.

The area was clear felled and experimental planting of black pepper, ginger, turmeric; tree spices, vanilla and paprika are taken up. The average annual rainfall varies from 4300 to 5300 mm. The temperature ranges from 23-400C and the sunshine hours received per month varies from 45 to 260 numbers of hours of bright sunshine. The soil is lateritic but shallow with a pH of 6 to 6.5.
The farm was started to provide necessary infrastructure for conducting research both basic and applied to tackle the burning problems of the spice industry. Besides, it also serves as demonstrations, provide training material and essential planting materials to the public.
The activities of the farm consist of maintenance of all field experiments of germplasm breeding agronomic and plant protection disciplines pertaining to black pepper, ginger, turmeric, tree spices, vanilla and paprika. Maintenance of non-mandatory crops such as coconut, areca nut, miscellaneous fruits and trees and other infrastructure of the farm, taking up new plantings, soil conservation work etc. are important activities. Planting material production is done in large numbers under the Integrated Programme for Development of Spices and Revolving Fund of KVK for all spices and other horticultural plants. Research programmes of Adhoc Schemes, NATP, Pepper Technology Mission, ATIC are also executed in the farm. The watch and ward is carried out through separate security arrangements. Large number of farmers visits the farm and they are also taken around and shown the various trials on a routine basis besides advisory service to these people.The farm focuses on intensive production of nucleus planting materials. The in situ conservation of spice genetic resources is done at this location.
Scientist in charge,
IISR Experimental farm,
Peruvannamuzhi P.O.,
Kozhikode, Kerala,
India - 673 528
Ph: 0496 - 2249371